Restaurování a konzervování historických textilií


Diploma course, Abegg-Stiftung, Riggisberg, Switzerland (1993 – 1999)
CTU, Prague, Czech Republic (1981 – 1987)

(Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic Licence No. 12548/1997)

Complete restoration and conservation of all types of historical textiles, in privately owned, secure workshop or in a workplace determined by the customer (historical clothing and accessories, liturgical textiles, archaeological textiles, banners, embroidery, lace, historical upholstery and other textile objects)

Technological analyses of textiles

Examination and advice

Mannequins tailored to specific historical clothing

Preparation of stands, supports and underlays for exhibition of textiles

Production of special packaging for the preservation of historical textiles

Treatment of textiles for display, storage in a depository or for transport

Consultations with museum staff, conservators and collectors

Lectures to university students, various institutions and interest associations